The experienced veterinarians at Cambridge Equine Hospital can cater for all the medical needs of your horse through either the ambulatory service, or a visit to the well equipped hospital.

Cambridge Equine Hospital has the staff, facilities, and equipment to carry out examination and treatment of a variety of internal medical conditions. Medical colics requiring intravenous fluid therapy, colitis cases, horses suffering from pleuro-pneumonia, and aggressive corneal ulcers are some of the conditions that benefit from the intensive care and treatment that can only happen with hospitalisation.
If you suspect your horse may be suffering from gastric ulcers, then a gastroscopic exam is the only way to definitively diagnose this. A 3m long endoscope is passed down the oesophagus and into the stomach, and a thorough inspection of the entire stomach and pylorus is carried out. As well as identifying if ulcers are present or not, we can grade the degree of ulceration, and can treat according to the severity.
Neonatal medicine and intensive care
Cambridge Equine Hospital offers 24 hour foal intensive care catering for all levels of foal needs, including foals unable to stand or feed. A purpose designed bed, intranasal oxygen, continuous fluid therapy and nutritional support are available where required and we have an excellent success rate. Our team has a wealth of experience in neonatal intensive care, including knowledge gained in internationally renowned facilities such as Scone Veterinary Hospital and large US veterinary hospitals. Additional diagnostic tools are available stall-side including an in-house lab, ultrasonography, radiography, glucose, lactate and arterial blood gas analysis. The mare’s health and fertility is also a priority, with thorough evaluation and monitoring throughout the foal’s care.
The best prognosis for at-risk foals is achieved by early recognition and treatment of problems. Referring a foal as soon as a problem is recognised results in a shorter stay and more favourable outcome. We also advise close monitoring of mares that have a history of neonatal illness in their foals, including serial placental ultrasound examinations.
Medical colics
Whilst the majority of colics will respond to treatment given at the initial visit, some will require more intensive treatment such as intravenous fluid therapy. With our diagnostic equipment such as high quality ultrasound and on-site laboratory, we are able to more accurately differentiate between medical and surgical colics. We monitor these cases extremely closely, and if there is no improvement then we are able to take them straight to surgery.
Severe Respiratory Infections
Although not commonly seen, severe respiratory tract infection can sometime result in pleuro-pneomonia (commonly called travel sickness). This results in an accumulation of fluid around the lungs, which may require drainage to assist with recovery. We can manage these cases in the hospital, with the benefit of repeated ultrasound examinations to assess the speed of recovery, and rapid turn around of blood test results to provide accurate "real time" information on the severity of infection.
Severe corneal ulcers require aggressive treatment with frequent medication throughout the day and night. This is often best managed in the hospital, where we have numerous staff available to make sure the treatments are given at the correct frequency. Frequent monitoring of these cases is essential, so having a veterinarian continually assessing the eye is very beneficial. We have several vets with a special interest in ophthalmology, and have a great working relationship with specialist ophthalmologists should we need to refer.
Regenerative Medicine
Regenerative or biologic treatment options include stem cells, PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) and IRAP (Interleukin 1 Receptor Antagonist Protein). These can often aid soft tissue or joint injuries, depending on the site and severity. For specific information regarding these options and how they may be of use, contact the clinic and speak to one of our veterinarians.
If you have any questions about the above conditions/treatments, please do not hesitate to contact the clinic for more information.